Monday, May 6, 2013

Silverware Wind Chime

I've been swapping up a storm over at Craftster. I just made this little beauty for someone:

The silverware is all silver plated (that's what sounds the best) I used a fork and bent the tines to make the top.

There's a bird in the middle for maximum chiming:

and I used a key charm for the bottom weight:

I have a lot of this silverware lying around. I need to get to making more stuff like this!

Don't settle for dull, live a refinished life!

*Planning to share at:
Metamorphasis Monday;  Time To Sparkle Tuesday Linky Party; Trash to Treasure; Wildly Original Linky Party; Transformation Thursday; What have you redone? Fridays Unfolded; Shabbilicious Friday.


  1. So sweet! I adore silverware wind chimes.... I did some with a friend...if you are curious, check it here: Did you ever make any more? I'd love to see them....

    1. I haven't made any more recently. I have supplies for more, but seemingly not the time. Your wind chimes were awesome!
